Join the team


We are currently working on TV series, TV specials, short films, commercials and feature films so we may have great career opportunities available for you. Wil Film’s CG pipeline is based on Maya animation platform and we work with NUKE and After Effects for image compositing and visual effects.

If you have experience and want to be part of large-scale productions, please have a look at the submission guidelines and send your CV and portfolio to:

Submission Guidelines
  • Cover letter and CV including software skills
  • Portfolio including your best work
  • Demo Reel including a breakdown to help us understand what role you played and what technique or software you used in the development of a project. A Demo Reel without the breakdown won’t be accepted.
  • References

Please make sure that your portfolio/reel is up to date before submitting it.

All submissions must be online; we do no longer accept physical material. Physical material will not be returned.

VISA Requirements

Apply for an open position ONLY if you are a EU pass holder. Unfortunately, the process and requirements in order to qualify for a work permit according to the Danish law can be very complicated.

Thank you for your interest in us!


There are no current job openings.


Concept Designer i Jylland / Concept Designer in Jylland, Denmark

Wil Film søger en Concept Designer i Jylland til 3D animations-spillefilm, der instrueres af Amalie Næsby Fick (instruktør på “Den Utrolige Historie om den Kæmpestore Pære”).

Vi søger en designer med flair for at lave charmerende børne- og familiefilm. Jobbet indebærer og kræver med få ord:

  • At arbejde med Production Designeren og kreere sets, props og set dress i 2D
  • En forståelse for hvilke informationer, der er nødvendige i 2D designs, for at en 3D modeller kan overtage tegningerne
  • Photoshop på ekspertniveau
  • At du er bosiddende i Jylland

Ansættelsen er på 3 måneder fra 3. august til 30. oktober.

Send venligst din ansøgning til Line Producer Morten Stahlhut på:

Inkluder venligst:

  • CV
  • P-ortfolio (eller link til portfolio)
  • Nogle få ord om dig selv og din erhvervserfaring

Afhængigt af hvor mange kvalificerede ansøgninger vi modtager, vil du måske blive bedt om at udføre lille design-test, som er specifikt relateret til filmen.

På forhånd tak for din ansøgning,


Wil Film is looking for a Concept Designer in Jylland, Denmark for a 3D animation feature directed by Amalie Næsby Fick (director of “The Incredible Story of the Giant Pear”).

We are looking for someone with a flair for making charming childrens- and family films. The job, in a few words entails and requires the following:

  • Working with the Production Designer in creating sets, props and set dress in 2D
  • An understanding of the information needed in 2D designs for them to be handed over to a 3D modeller
  • Photoshop expert
  • That you’re based in Jylland

The employment period is 3 months from August 3rd to October 30th.

Please send your application to Line Producer Morten Stahlhut at:

Include the following:

  • CV (Resumé)
  • Portfolio (or link to your portfolio)
  • A few words about yourself and your work experience

Depending on the number of qualified applicants we might require a small design test specifically related to the film.

Thank you and we’re looking forward to hearing from you.