
Animated features films for kids created by WIL FILM include the much-loved ”Otto the Rhino” (”Otto Er Et Næsehorn” original title), ”Orla Frøsnapper”, and ”Gummi T”. Our projects have been awarded and distributed in different territories around the world.

The world of animation is no stranger to features films, with animated features having a long history that started before the times of CGI. In fact, the Walt Disney 1937 animated classic ”Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” was one of the highest-grossing traditional animation features ever made. Features are full-length feature films typically between 80 and 180 minutes long. Can you imagine having your own feature film?


ORLA FRØSNAPPER feature film Wil Film animation production
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Synopsis: Victor, a 10-year-old boy, and his friends manage to outsmart the town bully Freddy Frogface and join the circus “Bardini”.

Directed by Peter Dodd (Denmark) in 2011.

Scripted by Søren Danielsen together with Peter Dodd and based on the classic children’s book from Danish author, Ole Lund Kirkegaard’s.

Produced by Nina Crone –Crone Film– and Erik Wilstrup –WIL FILM–.

Genre: Animated feature film for kids.

Age: 5+

Genre: Animation. 

Gummi T

GUMMI T feature film Wil Film animation production
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Synopsis: Ivan’s luck changes when he finds a miraculous potion that makes him “the best” for one day.

Genre: Animated feature film for kids.

Age: 5+

Directed by Michael Hegner (Denmark) in 2012.

Scripted by Michael W. Horsten and based on the classic children’s book from Danish author Ole Lund Kirkegaard.

Produced by Nina Crone –Crone Film– and Erik Wilstrup –WIL FILM–.

Otto Er Et Næsehorn

OTTO ER ET NÆSEHORN feature film Wil Film animation production
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Synopsis: Kirkegaard’s 1972 story is about a boy: Topper, who misses his father and is bored stiff during the summer holidays until he finds a magic pencil. When he draws a rhino on the wall, it comes to life. Named Otto, the rhino is well fed with brown bread and raspberry soda before it devours all the furniture.

Genre: Animated film for kids.

Age: 5+

Directed by Kenneth Kainz  (Denmark) in 2013.

Scripted by Rune Schjøtt and co-directed by Erik Schmidt, the feature film is based on the classic children’s book from Danish author Ole Lund Kirkegaard.

Produced by Nina Crone –CRONE FILM– and Erik Wilstrup –WIL FILM–.

”Otto is a Rhino” won the ”Best Animated Feature” category at the Chicago International Children’s Film Festival – 2013 and was selected the ”Most Popular Danish Children’s Film” at the SVEND Prizes – 2013.